Semiprecious Stones

Agate eliminates negativity, fosters love, improves perception and analytical qualities.

Amber brings wisdom, promotes altruism, memory and decision making.

Amethyst balances emotions, soothes nervous system, helps focus mind.

Aquamarine sharpens perception, aids clear communication, enhances creativity, calming.

Carnelion is an aphrodisiac, aids mental clarity, encourages curiosity, increases motivation.

Chalcedony enhances creativity, releases self doubt and negativity, increases physical energy.

Cherry Quartz absorbs, stores and regulates energy, keeps one centred and grounded.

Chrysocolla aids meditation, improves communication, calms and re-energises chakras.

Citrine harnesses creative energy, attracts abundance or wealth, aids concentration.

Clear Quartz is a powerful healing crystal, encourages joy, assists concentration, unlocks memory.

Freshwater Pearl cultivated in mussel shells, they are believed to tap inner wisdom and nurture love.

Garnet revitalises energy, brings serenity, inspires love, activates other crystals.

Green Calcite alleviates anxiety, sharpens mental clarity, boosts memory, clears negativity.

Labradorite raises consciousness, synthesises intellectual thought with intuitive wisdom.

Lapis Lazuli aids concentration, relieves stress, focuses intuition, promotes objectivity.

Lemon Quartz blesses the wearer with optimism, well being and creativity, supports deep meditation and ability to focus on deep goals.

Malachite clears mental blocks, opens intuition, attunes to inspiration, helps break negative behavioural patterns.

Mother of Pearl protective, healing, stress relieving. Stimulates intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability.

Onyx aids in decision making, imparts self confidence, promotes vigor.

Peridot promotes clarity, aids in understanding destiny and the purpose of existence.

Pink Opal fosters love, passion, loyalty. Encourages emotional stability and faithfulness, enhances cosmic consciousness.

Rose Quartz attracts love, calming, soothing, stabilises emotions, aids forgiveness.

Smokey Quartz aids virility, relieves fear, boosts intuition, encourages calmness and positive thought.

Snowflake Obsidian is the stone of purity. Balances body, mind and spirit, encourages positivity.

Tiger’s Eye boosts confidence, assists in recognising inner resources, attracts helpful people and material abundance.

Tourmalinated Quartz restores harmony and tranquility, eliminates self-sabotage, elevates consciousness.

Turquoise dispels negative energy, promotes self-realisation and creative problem solving.

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